Saturday 1 March 2014


Believe me, you can find the answer. The idea that it is possible to discover a perfect career choice which weaves every one of a person's attributes in a single strand, has to be one of the toughest challenges for even the most inspirational Career Coach to translate.

People don't know what they don't know. Similarly, how can we know how wonderful it is to be in love without having ever fallen in love. How can we appreciate the rush of adrenaline of freefall without actually leaping from a plane. That wistful gleam of intoxicating joy can only be held by the bearer of the actual experience. So it is with being docked into our perfect work. It took me 32 years to find mine. I now know I couldn't have survived without it.

Truly living the experience of beaming all of our gifts, talents, skills, capabilities and life experiences in the mastery of a distinct vocation is transformational, confidence-giving and supremely energizing because it helps us invest in our own purpose in life. As always, no two people are alike. The career conundrum facing all of us is as taxing as the hardest equation we ever saw in a Maths exam. But that mystery is so much a part of the joy created by self-discovery!

The driving motivation for solving your career conundrum and unleashing your unique blend of traits on the world is that you, and only you, own it. Your career identity is yours to invest in and, once you've uncovered it, not only will put food in your belly, it will feed your life with purpose that will sustain you for always by fuelling your day-to-day living.

More than anything you will possess that deep self-assuredness and innate smile that you see on the face of any hard-working, skill-mastering, and devoted artisan craftsman or woman, radiating from the joy invested in them by their discovery of what it is that truly makes them tick. The 'Master-at-the-Helm' knowing their true bearing in life with a beacon on the horizon to aim for every day.

Life is a journey, we pass this way but once. We owe it to ourselves and our loved-ones around us to uncover our true destiny in life. This quest is made all the more joyful when we know what it is we are here to do with our lives.

Remember the guiding maxim: "Find a job that you love and never work another day for the rest of your life!".

BE ENTHUSIASTIC OR RISK NOT BEING ANYTHING AT ALL. Be hungry to solve your career conundrum. Be hungrier for the prize.

For help in your quest why not attend one of our career discovery workshops or call for a one-to-one coaching programme:

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